Building Our Faith in JESUS
And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.  Galatians 6:9
Our existence is always on a teetering scale, so to speak, and we want as much as we can to have a consistent balance in life. We also know that what balances our very lives is our strong faith in GOD who is ever-present when we call on Him. We can attain this balance if we believe and follow His commandments. 

It brings elation to my heart that I can share my time, testimony, effort and finances for causes that spell GOD's love. Sharing, regardless how small, brings a difference in people's lives. Indeed the opportunities to bring that difference in the lives of others are littered around us. These are ones that bring GOD's touch. We can do this when we open our senses and most especially our  hearts to those in need. 

Job 31:14 reads: "What then shall I do when GOD riseth up? And when He visiteth what shall I answer Him?" Having read these, I questioned myself if I have fulfilled my purpose in life in His name.  

Being His disciple, we hear GOD's message in our heart. This is because His HOLY SPIRIT lives within us. We just need to tune out everything around us and cling to the serenity of the moment for us to hear GOD's message. This is an effective process in communing with Him. We have as well a responsibility to pass it on. Simply verbalizing it and not taking part are two different things.  

Everyday we get to experience miracles from the hands of the LORD. It does not require special talent, but requires listening to His voice. We can commune with Him if we know Him. We don't have to spend an iota of change looking for the LORD because He truly makes Himself available at all times when we are sincere in our ways of seeking Him with our heart. He is everywhere and the best place to find Him is through the pages of the Holy Bible. There we can get familiar with Him and hear His living Word.  

There are miracles happening still today. They are everywhere indeed. For starters, we may want to look at ourselves - breathing in and out, able to think and create, having courage to survive regardless of the pain, willingness to  forgive though we have been hurt and be able to share joy and love with others even in our trials.   

GOD's loving grace continues to enfold us regardless of our unresponsiveness to His calling. His ways are so unfathomable and not within the grasp of our human mind. Let us not miss GOD's calls because we can actually miss the very opportunity He is offering us that could bring the best change in life.  

When the HOLY SPIRIT calls, we need to listen and be ready to  get involved to what is being offered or asked of us. Our willingness to listen always brings a big difference to our days. Often His prompting can save us in our decisions in life. It can also mean that He might be using us as a means to bring a difference into someone else's life for their safety and healing. 

We are soldiers to GOD's purpose and therefore need to always be alert and ready once GOD's trumpet sounds. For every need heard and responded to, GOD's path becomes more tangible. Imagine the elation of our soul when we are committed to fulfill such a cause in His name. 

The LORD JESUS walked on earth to heal, mend, forgive, love, take care and show the way to those who were looking for the true meaning of life and its freedom. He still does today. 

GOD's blessings are plentiful yet they can actually escape from our grasp simply  because we had ceased to believe. 

It is said that little is much when GOD is in it so we should not have second thoughts in sharing what we can with those who are in need. The LORD GOD never questions the intentions of our heart but He knows what is in it and He in return sends us blessings when He knows we give of ourselves for the sake of others. We just need to learn to put aside our needs and think most of how we can serve others. In return GOD blesses us and from His blessings we're able to share more. Let us keep embracing His ways.